Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Biological Aspect Of Mountain Region

Nepal , a country of mountain , is located in south Asia . The animals & plants which have adapted in the cold and dry climate are found in the mountain region of the country . Barley , uwa , buckwheat and maize ets cereals and apple , lemon friits are cultivated in this region . The forest componets like gobre salla , dhupi , rhodendron and bhojpatra .The wild animals from the mountsain region are wild yak , snow leopard , ghoral , black bear pheasant , sheep etc . are found in the forest . there are pine forest and grassland .There is a lack of fertile land and agricultural land in the mountain region.because of the cold & dry climate. The animals tolerating difficult situation of cold , less oxygen can live there

Friday, January 1, 2010

Ecosystem Of Montain Region Of Nepal

Mountain region lies in the north part of the country. The mountainous area the country is extends from east to west. It's altitude ranges from 4877 to 8848 meters above the sea level.It consists of number of snow covered hills.The snow line is at the altitude of 5ooo meters in the east and 4000 meters at the west. It's ecosystem differs with other regions due to its altitude, structure of land , temperature andc climate.The land above 4500 meter is not favourable to vegetation due to snowfall and coldness.Due to hardship , there is slow growth of life.Thus the ecosystem of this region is very valueable and that should be conserved for the protection of living beings.

It includes about 35% of total land and 2% of cultivable land.In this region , there are dozens of Himalayan ranges like Rowling , Gaurisankar, Mahalagur, etc. and hundreds of himalayan peaks like Sagarmatha , Api , Saipal, Machhapuchhre, Dhaulagiri, etc. This regions is further divided into Main Himalayan, Inner Himalayan and Outer Himalayan region. 16 districts are in mountain region among 75 districts of Nepal. Due to geographical structure , there is difficult to run the development works . So there are no communication facilities, lack of transportations and employment .There is no crowd of people and that's why there is no adverse effect of modernization in ecosystem.

Thursday, December 31, 2009


Nepal is one of the world's poorest countries ranking 138 out of 177 in the human development index .Nepal is naturally beautiful country of 147,181 sq.km in the south Asia region having 885 km in the east- west direction and with a mean north-south width of 193 km. Nepal is renowed for it's socio-cultural diversity having having more than 101 ethnic groups, 92 languages , 10 religions and 3 geographical regions with a population of 23.1 milliom people living157 persons per sqkm which was just 40 in 1911. The 2001 census showed that 57.5% of the population belonged to caste, 2/3 of them living in hills and 1/3 living in the Terai.Dalits who make up 13.6% of the population are one the most disadvantages and backward groups. It has five development regions:Eastern, Central ,Western, Mid-western and Far-western development region.Nepal has 14 zones , 58 municipalities and 3915 village development regions which was further dividing into small political units called wards.
National standard living survey 2003/4 reports that poverty incidence decreased from 42% in 1995/6 to 31% in 2003/4, however rural urban disparity still exist.A significant increase in remmittances, increase in wages, improved connectivity and access to markets , urbanization ,and falling birth rtes were behind decline.Life expectancy at birth is 61.4 years ( female has lower) whereas adult literacy rate is 48% and 80% people are economically active in agriculture.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bungee Jump in Nepal

What will you take to jump from a 160 m high bridge down to one of the fierest rivers in the world, with your feet tied to a nylon cord? A little bit of cash , a little bit of time , an appetite for adventure and a whole lot of courage !

Nepal offers the world's second highest bungee jump site with the world's longest free fall ( the time after you jump off the bridge and before your bungee cord is fully stretched). Back in November 1999 , the last Resort started the only bungee jumping service not just in Nepal, but the whole of South of Asia. The seasons for taking this jump is between March to May and September to November.
The site is located only about a 100 km away from Kathmandu , about 3 hours drive ( about 12 km from the Tato Pani border with Tibet). The bridge was constructed espically to bungee jumping ( it can hold a weight of 4.5 tonnes), but has also become a bridge with a cause as villagers that previously walked more than 5 hours to cross the river now need only a few minutes across the 166m long bridge.A Swiss -team-designed the bridge , the site from which thousand have jumped off to experience the thrill of free falling. So what are the things that you need to take care of before you jump? The cost ( about Rs 2,500 which includes transportation and a meal), the time ( though the jump itself may last only a few wonderful seconds, it's a day's trip to the place and back ), an official parent's permitt if you're under 18 and of course , the bungee cord!
The bungee cord is built here in Nepal , although the materials reqired the materials for it are imported from Abroad In fact , everything that is used for the jump has been brought from the foreign countries . The cord is made up of many rubber strings tied up together to from a cord of it's own.
Now you know everything . You pay Rs .2500 and your are driven more than 100km away from Kathmandu , and you have to jump off the bridge 166 meter above a ranging river when a bungeee master will help you to prepare yourself for the plunge!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Rara Lake

Rara lake is biggest lake of Nepal . It located at Rara village development committe of Mugu Dictrict of Western part of Nepal.It is in center with Rara National Park Rara lake is lies at 3200 meter from the vsea level and ithas cover about 16 km sq.It is also called as Mahendra lake or daha. It is one of the biggest lake of Nepal ,which includes variety of nature's gift and it attracts local as well foreign people. It's environmental place is very lustres and beautiful to look.It has magnificent banks and from it ever shining mountains can be seen.Every visitors makes the wonderful because of's natural scenery.Rara lake is situated with temperate forest and alpine forests.It has long type of mountains ridges.It has low monsoon and less rainfall in summer seasonand winter is cold.For trekking it can be taken very suitable place.


Phewa lake is located at beautiful city called Pokhara.
It is situated at westwern part of Nepal. Pokhara is very interesting places which is located at 827 meter from the sea level and it is 200 km away from the Kathmandu valley.Pokhara is the city of adventure which contains several beautiful lkakes like Rupa lake ,Phewa lake,Mahendra lake etc and from it we can see eyecatching mountains and caves : Mahendra cave and water fall .
Phewa lake is the second largest lake of our country(Nepal). It has measuring 1.5 km by 4 km. It is the center of attractions which offers idyllic playground.Brightly painted and sail boat can be rented on reasonable cost around lakeside.
The lake is neither deep which is 47 meters deep nor clean but there water is very warm and it's pleasant to swimming.The eastern shoarline called Baidam consists of seemingly endlessstrips of loadges, resturants, booksshops and sovenior shops.It has splending view of mountains, espically is in water which makes double image of mountains.It has fascinating lakesides.From different places people go there for visiting with family or with pair.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bengal Tiger

Bengal tiger is a subspecies of tiger. It ismostly found in India .
It looks very attractive and it is kept as a rare animals . It is taken as second largest species ot tiger.Previously it was considered the second largest subspecies, behind the Siberian tigers(Panthera tigris altaica), however a recent study suggests that maybe this subspecies could be, on average, the largest of the tigers.The total length for the males is of 270-310 cm meanwhile those of the females is of 240–265 cm; the tail measures 85–110 cm long and the height at the shoulder is 90–110 cm. The average weight is 221.2 kg (487.7 lb.) for the males and 139.7 kg (308 lb.) for the females, however those who inhabit the north of India and Nepal have an average weight of 235 kg (518 lb.) for the males and 140 kg (308.6 lb.) for the females. Its coat is yellow to light orange, and the stripes range from dark brown to black; the belly is white, and the tail is white with black rings. A mutation of the Bengal subspecies, the white tiger have dark brown or reddish brown stripes on a white background color, and some are entirely white. Black tigers have tawny, yellow or white stripes on a black background color. The pelage of a black tiger, recovered from smugglers, measured 259 cm and was displayed at the National Museum of Natural History, New Delhi. The existence of black tigers without stripes has been reported but not substantiated.
The Bengal tiger's roar can be heard for up to three kilometers (almost two miles) away
Bengal tigers donot live as family. They hunt in big territory . they pray big animals and birds also some insects. They are kept as rare animals so they are kept or protect by wwf.
Bengal tigers are classified as strict carnivores that it strictly depends on meat.Bengal tiger eats different types of animals like chittal, wild buffalo, wild boar,water buffalo, hares and birds like cuckoos , sparrow etc and some insects.It also known to take other predators like wolves,jackles, crocodiles,foxes, leopards

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